Ōpōtiki flood protection works


BAY of Plenty Regional Council will be completing its final investigation of the Otara River stopbanks in Ōpōtiki township next week.

This will involve a 5-tonne digger excavating small amounts of dirt from the stopbank and the river berm, starting from Princess Street and moving towards Ford Street.

Once testing is complete, the excavated areas will be reinstated to comply with the regional council’s flood protection and drainage bylaws, to ensure the integrity of the stopbank.  

The purpose of this investigation is to test the existing material that is in and around the stopbank.

This will help inform a plan to upgrade the stopbank, which is required to maintain the agreed level of service with the community.

The work should be completed in one day, however if weather is not favourable, it will be postponed to the following week.

Where the investigations are happening, the work area will be closed, and pedestrians will be directed around the work.

Anyone with questions about the process or flood protection generally can contact the council on [email protected] or 0800 884 880.

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